Saturday, February 3, 2007


I'm sitting in my single bed in my studio feeling pretty worthless. I think I kept with my New Year's resolution last night of not blacking out. I'm fairly sure. I remember being at Fourno's. I remember leaving, or at least talking about leaving. I don't, persay, remember walking home. But who remember's walking home, especially if it's uneventful. When I'm 78 years old and talking to my grandkids how many stories am I going to tell them about walking home? Narry a story, I would venture to say.
The culprit in last night's drinking debacle was Trippel, brought to us by the New Belgiam Brewing co. (same people that make Fat Tire). This snake in the grass will sneak up and bite you like a black mamba if caution is not thrown to the wind. Coming in at 7.8% it makes sense to be careful, especially if you have a problem with alcohol consumption. Unfortunately this put me in a difficult situation given my complete lack of self control. So now I am sitting in my small bed and my head feels like a medicine ball, achy and stuffed with snot. I know the Aleve in my medicine cabinet will not help me. Please call 206 962 0961 if you have any suggestions.
Hella hotties.

1 comment:

Lílian said...

Este es verdaderamente divertido... conozco perfecto cómo te pones cuando estás crudísimo!jaja