Saturday, February 17, 2007

Hockey, Fishing, and Crystal Meth (Post #2)

On my way home from the IMA today I was stopped by a woman asking for directions. She was driving a minivan and wearing what appeared to be a “Spiderman” jersey (imagine a red hockey jersey with a large embroidered spider on the front). Undoubtedly a meth addict, the woman asked me how to get to the parking lot on the southeast side of the IMA soccer fields. She said that she just wanted “to get to a dock” so that she could “go fishing”. I assumed “fishing” was some kind of street slang for amphetamines, so I suggested she might try the local mental health clinic. However, she seemed insistent on getting to a dock, so I gave her directions. It so happened that the road she was on at the time was the one that led to the parking lot (albeit by curving around the soccer fields), so I told her that she could arrive at her desired destination simply by driving in the contrary direction.
This woman was really quite a spectacle. She was the only one in the car and had at least 3-4 fishing rods in the back. Her minivan was also decorated with an array of ghost decals (yes, ghosts, like Casper), including a huge rather spooky one on the back windshield.
She was obviously not familiar with the concept that sometimes one must go around an obstacle to get to his/her destination, a concept that even my late golden retriever had mastered with apparent ease. So, the hockey-jersey clad woman did a U-Turn (on the sidewalk), drove off, and I was left to shake my head in amazement and marvel at the fact that she had somehow evaded the process of natural selecion.

Song of the Day #2: Don't Cry by Guns 'n Roses

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