Friday, March 30, 2007


Ok so i realize this blog has gotten pretty gay. that i know. really gay. anyway. I saw peter kickflipping the 5 stair outside of my spanish class the other day and was struck with a severe longing to be able to skate. It was awful. And it won't pass. Everytime I see someone more capable than me doing something that i want to be able to do i get pretty jealous. And also with hotties. There is a surplus of hotties as already mentioned. The only problem is that the majority of the them are braindead. I gave a ride to a woman in the shuttle today that was probably 35, divorced, and with a kid. she advised me to not get married till my early 30's. I shall consider this woman wise due to the fact that her husbad of 12 years whom she married when she was 24 showed up one day at the house they had built together and were raising a son in to say "I don't think i can do this marriage anymore." Where is the fucking shotgun with guys like this??? take this fucker out. anyway, fuck marriage until you're at least about 28. the moral of this story is that julieta venegas is marginally hot but more importantly that Tommy's is the worst place in the world and should be nuked into oblivion.
-Boosh Clown

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