Monday, February 5, 2007

Mala sangre

I have just donated blood and am therefore running "a pint low," as they said. I will say that my donating blood today completely owes itself the fact that I just finished the book "Yes Man" by Danny Wallace, a book in which he attempts to say "Yes" to everything for a year. "Are you looking at my girlfriend?" "Yes." So today I saw a sign on campus that said "Donate Blood" and and I said "Yes" (it was probably actually more of an "OK"). In other news I have been rather preoccupied today with what I am going to do for spring break aka whether or not I am going to go to Mexico City. It's just that there is this girl I really want to see.

Update: The Hammers Program is going smoothly. My diet today has consisted of an Odwalla (superfood), a Nutri-Grain bar, two slices of Pagliacci, and the snacks they give you after donating blood which included some cranberry juice and talking to a girl who grew up in Hong Kong. The cranberry juice was non-alcoholic so there was no risk of blackout. That said, I feel like absolute butthole right now. I didn't get to sleep last night till about 2:45am and had to wake up at 7:55am which might have something to do with it. Plus I have come to utterly dread going to work to drive the University Audi/Volkswagen shuttle, but that is another other topic that I do not want to address right now. Fucking take the bus! Cheers!

Song of the Day: The Hardest Way to Make an Easy Living by The Streets

1 comment:

LĂ­lian said...

" I am going to go to Mexico City. It's just that there is this girl I really want to see" wow.... k te dio esta novia tuya bicho!