Friday, March 7, 2008


I bought a new hoodie today. I hate shopping. I am always so reticent to buy things, and usually experience harsh bouts of buyer's remorse after all purchases. That said, I really wasn't in the mood to wear a gray Fila sweatshirt for the rest of my life.

Like of the Day: Eelskin handbags

Dislike of the Day: Getting an ice cream cone and having to push the ice cream down into the cone lest you be left eating a hollow, waffle-like cracker.

Song of the Day: "See These Bones" by Nada Surf

Color of the Day:

Green. Green is a nice color. It is the color of broccoli, zucchini, sewage, cars that are green, and (apparently) the color of your bowel movements the day after drinking Pepto Bismol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As long as it ain't red..