Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tea Party

Some dissent has been expressed with respect to the new format and color scheme of BLOG IS THE NEW BLOG. Apparently the white on black causes "headaches." Ladies and boyz: I am not an artist. My father, Harry Wetzler, cannot see distinguish between "green," and "blue." He is effectively color blind, and it is altogether possible that some of this has rubbed off on me.
I am sorry if the new color scheme and format has caused you distress. I intend to remedy this situation as soon as possible, and would urge you, faithful reader, to aid me in settling on a color scheme that will be both dynamic and "jazzy," as well as easy to read and one that will not inflict ocular discomfort.
I like pink, but I'm not the kind of guy that wears pink polo shirts to show that he is "comfortable" with his sexuality. I am not sure that I am comfortable with my sexuality. I am often wont to hold hands with Andy Bunker, and sometimes find myself coveting Barry Sevig's smooth, baby-like skin.
I also like black and white for their contrast. I want my blog to be simple and easy to read, and feel that a black and white-based color scheme promotes this.
I also like red. At least I think I like red. When I was six I emphatically proclaimed that red was my favorite color. There is a chance that this still holds true. I am a Leo, and Leos are supposed to be fiery and passionate, qualities often associated with the color red (ex. Tiger Woods' shirts on Sundays, the Chinese flag, blood).
In conclusion, help me out. I realize that BLOG IS THE NEW BLOG is no Picasso, no Van Gogh, no Georgia O'Keefe.

It is Boosh Clown.

-Boosh Clown

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Purple and neon green!