Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Power of Like, Two Days From Now

It's hard to update a blog when you haven't updated it for awhile; there's added pressure. Like an opened bag of Doritos left on the coffee table, an un-updated blog goes stale, and reviving a stale blog is a daunting task. You feel like you have to write a blog that's so amazing it offsets the staleness of the previous weeks and makes your readers forget about the fact they spent so many days and nights checking your blog only to see that it hasn't been updated. I knew a guy once who didn't update his blog for seven months. Every waking hour of his days became consumed by trying to write the perfect blog to make up for his blogging absence. He eventually went insane and had to check into the loony bin. Hopefully this won't happen to me. I think you need to have readers before you feel pressure.

Anyway, the first chip, like the first blog, always tastes a little gross. But then you keep eating, and after a while you almost forget that they're stale. Plus, you're drinking; You're drinking heavily, and you don't really even care that the chips are stale. You just want something to eat.

So please, eat this blog up, my friends. It has been a long time, about a week, since we've posted a new blog here at Blog is the New Blog.

And I know you've all been dying for an update.

Matter of Business # 1
I am back in the Yew-Nited States of 'Merica. I have been here since May 1st. I am staying at my parents house and I recently purchased a new bike, which I have been riding semi-avidly. It feels good to be back in the US, but there are a few things I will be nostalgic for back in Victoria. I will miss walking on Dallas Road and in Beacon Hill Park, I will miss walking through Cook St. Village, and I will miss crafting modern-day marvels of engineering with my bare hands, or as some might call it, deck building.

Matter of Business # 2
Like I said, I finally bought a bike for my bike trip, and I'm probably going to read Lance Armstrong's book. I don't see how these two things can lead to me not having a successful trip.

Matter of Business # 3
I'm in love with Andy Bunker.

Matter of Business # 4
I kind of didn't want to confess it at first, but I recently read A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle. You actually might have had an inkling that some sort of mysticism was going on when my Facebook status was involuntarily changed to "Mark is awakening to his life's purpose." I enjoyed the book, but the hard part is telling people what it's about when they ask me. I usually either respond, "It's about killing your ego," or:"It's about how thinking is bad." The funny thing about this book (at least funny to me) is that its entire mantra is about how happiness needs to come from within, that it can't be found anywhere else or at any other time. It can't be found in a new job promotion, or a new car, or a book. Like the book you're reading, hoping to find happiness.

But whatever.

Anyway, the book is good. The thing I wouldn't do is read The Power of Now because it basically just reads like a rough draft to Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. Tolle can get kind of redundant, but in his second book the redundancy is a little more soothing; in the first book, it just kind of makes you want to beat up people that meditate.

Matter of Business # 5
I forgot to mention this, but my dad is coming with me on my bike trip. This is significant for several reasons, but most notable because we will now be staying in hotels, I will have someone to talk to, and it will probably make the trip more interesting to write about. The only leg of the trip I will actually be doing alone will be from Montreal to Trois Rivieres, Quebec, a distance of 100 miles or so. Keeping in mind the fact that I rode 17.8 miles today and my butt and achilles feel like they are going to fall off, this should be an interesting leg.

Well, that's all for today folks. I hope this makes Boosh Clown a little less stale. Just for the record, if I was eating out of an opened bag of Doritos on the coffee table, they would be Doritos Nacho Cheesier.

They are delicious.

-Boosh Clown

P.S. Thank's to everyone who commented on the "Hot Dog Flavored Punishment" video. I hope you got your fill of "Nookie." Stay posted for a response from the Food and Drug Administration.


Anonymous said...

Eckart has it so easy dumping his ego though, he is fucking weird looking. How hard can it be when you look like you just crawled from a damn hole in the ground. I don't think he has a chin.

Mark Thomas Wetzler said...
