Monday, July 14, 2008

Fresh Gear-athon

Shipping: approx. $2.39USD
The Wait: 3-5 Business Days
The Anticipation: 2-3 Valium
Having the raddest possible shirt that absolutely no one else owns?: Priceless1.

That's right, folks, the 2008 official website t-shirts are finally in. Order now while supplies last and be one of the very first to own this one-of-a-kind garment that combines the latest in fashion with timeless memorabilia.
To order send check or money order to:
Boosh Clown
6219 NE 40th Ave.
Seattle, WA

Make checks payable to:Mark "Damn, this shit is hot" Wetzler

Here are the shirts:

(Front View) Made of 100% precision machine woven cotton, this t-shirt combines the ultimate in comfort and durability. The logo, as you can see, includes letters and numbers to spell the phrase, "2 Rad 4 U," which is certainly what you will be after donning this magnificent vetement. (Readers note: the shirt shown is only a prototype. The shirt you receive will also include a reference to
(Back View) The back of the shirt is where the party's at. It is a spin off of those stupid WSU shirts you sometimes see that say, "Our drinking team has a football problem," or something equally unclever. Guess what guys? Football is not a real problem. The following things are, though: Meth, Heroin, and Ketamine. Insert any of these three words into the phrase on back to personally customize2 your t-shirt.
(Readers note: I know I spelled heroin wrong. Your shirt will not be spelled wrong. I am an idiot).

Happy Shopping!

Boosh Clown

2I believe the phrase here, actually, Mark, would be the word "personalize." You are a genius.

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